In this post I will show you how to use a Proxy.

The concept of a proxy is pretty simple. You provide triggers that run when you are getting or setting something in an object.

// private user object
const _user = {
	name: "User",
	age: 25,
	_address: "A place"

const traps = {
	get(target, prop) {
		if (prop[0] === "_") {
			return undefined;

const user = new Proxy(_user, traps);

console.log( // User
console.log(user.age) // 25
console.log(user._address) // undefined

As shown in the example above, Proxies can be used for stopping programs from accessing private variables. They can also be used to stop programs from setting private variables.

// private user object
const _user = {
	name: "User",
	age: 25,
	_address: "A place"

const traps = {
	get(target, prop) {
		if (prop[0] === "_") {
			return undefined;
	set(target, prop, value) {
		if (prop[0] === "_") {
		} else {
			target[prop] = value;

const user = new Proxy(_user, traps); = "Person";
user.age = 26;

user._address = "In the world"; // Doesn't set

You can read more about Proxies on the MDN.

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