title: What are JS Generators? published: true date: 2020-12-02 17:55:53 UTC tags: JavaScript,TypeScript,webdev,node canonical_url: https://h.shadowtime2000.com/what-are-js-generators
What are JS Generators?
Generators are a feature in Javascript which are basically functions that are kind of like iterators.
You can create generators like this:
function* myGenerator() {}
The *
after function
is required.
The core mechanic of generators is yield
ing values.
function* myGenerator() {
yield 1;
yield "foo";
yield "bar";
yield { thing: true };
Taking Values
You have created your generator. Now, we need to use it. When you have a generator, you can call .next()
on it, and it will run the generator until it reaches a yield
statement. When it reaches it, it will return an object with two parameters, value
, and done
const one = myGenerator.next().value; // 1
const foo = myGenerator.next().value; // "foo"
const bar = myGenerator.next().value; // "bar"
const thingTrue = myGenerator.next().value; // { thing: true }
MDN Docs
You can look more into generators on the MDN docs.
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