title: What is CSS-in-JS? published: true date: 2020-12-02 23:35:02 UTC tags: react,javascript,typescript,webdev canonical_url: https://h.shadowtime2000.com/what-is-css-in-js
What is CSS-in-JS?
So you have all probably heard of CSS-in-JS frameworks and libraries such as emotion
, styled-components
, and goober
What is CSS-in-JS
CSS-in-JS libraries follow many different patterns. But usually, they end up allowing you to do one thing:
- Allow you to create unique CSS classes from JavaScript
Basically, you would typically use it like this:
const myButtonsClassName = cssInJsLibraryFunctionHere({
color: "red",
"text-align": "center"
// Or with tagged template literals
const myButtonsClassName = css`
color: red;
text-align: center;
Some libraries (like styled-components
) let you create React components from those styles, and allow you to create dynamic values for styling.
const Button = styled.button`
color: ${({ dark }) => dark ? "dark" : "white"}
<Button />
<Button dark />
CSS-in-JS is a pattern that allows you to write CSS styles inside your JavaScript.
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