title: Adding Auto Caching to Our Template Engine published: true date: 2021-01-11 06:37:38 UTC tags: JavaScript,Nodejs,WebDevelopment,Express canonical_url: https://h.shadowtime2000.com/adding-auto-caching-to-our-template-engine cover_image: https://cdn.hashnode.com/res/hashnode/image/upload/v1610563182547/yhNZ3JME0.png?w=1600&h=840&fit=crop&crop=entropy& series: Creating a JS Template Engine
In one of my articles, I showed you how to create a simple JS template engine. In this article I will show you how to add simple caching to the compilation of our templates.
How Caching Works with JS Template Engines
Caching with our template engine is pretty simple. We just keep a key value object and use template strings as keys and functions as values. This will make subsequent uses of a template faster.
Implementing it inside Compile
All our compile function is this:
const compile = (template) => {
return new Function("data", "return " + compileToString(template))
Let's rename this to compileToFunction
const compileToFunction = (template) => {
return new Function("data", "return " + compileToString(template))
Now let's create a cache. We will use a Map
for this.
const cache = new Map();
Now let's add a compile
function which uses this cache.
All we need to do is check if the cache.has(template)
. If not, we need to create it and set it. If it does have it, we just need to return it.
const compile = (template) => {
if (cache.has(template)) {
return cache.get(template);
} else {
const compiledFunction = compileToFunction(template);
cache.set(template, compiledFunction);
return compiledFunction;
Changing our Render Function
Currently our render
function just uses some Regex to replace all the values.
var render = (template, data) => {
return template.replace(/{{(.*?)}}/g, (match) => {
return data[match.split(/{{|}}/).filter(Boolean)[0]]
I think we should change it to use compile
under the hood for faster automatic caching. It is pretty simple to implement, we just need to run compile
and then run that function with data
const render = (template, data) => {
return compile(template)(data);
In this tutorial I showed how to extend the template engine we made in a previous post with caching for faster compilation and rendering.
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